Alternative Lubricants That Will Make Your Grandpa Proud.
Other manufactures make lubricant "just good enough." In addition to making them toxic, hazardous, and stink...
How Do You Free Up a Seized/Frozen Engine Block? Somerville Auto and AIM
How do you get a rusted and seized/frozen engine to turn over? The short answer is with AIM Extreme Duty Lubricant. Tyler at Somerville Auto and Marine describes how he was able to get his...
Best Motorcycle Lube - Using AIM Lube to Restore a 1983 Honda XR600
What is the Best Lubricant to Fix and Restore Motorcycles? In this video Allen Christensen restores a 1983 Honda XR600 with PlanetSafe AIM. He uses AIM on the chain, throttle, and clutch cables. As Allen...