How to Fix Engine Pinging on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle?

Harley Davidson’s are world famous motorcycles, owned by a unique crowd that takes real pride in ownership and riding. Occasionally Harley Davidson engines will ping. Harley engine pinging may have a simple solution, PlanetSafe OT.
A Harley Davidson owner provided this feedback about use of PlanetSafe OT on his Harley.
Ken S. reports: I use PlanetSafe OT in my Harley Davidson that I purchased in 2017 and she has been running beautiful. Harley Davidson's are known for their engines pinging when it's very hot out because they are air cooled engines. My motorcycle runs perfect even in 95 deg weather. I believe that PlanetSafe OT makes all the difference in protecting and even improving all engines. I recommend it very highly. And the fact that it's non-toxic and non-hazardous make it a great choice.
What is it about PlanetSafe OT that makes it work so well in Harley Davidson Motorcycles? There are three main effects that are taking place. First, OT bonds to the metal in the engine thereby reducing friction – lower friction means lower heat. For an air-cooled engine that is an important factor. The more friction, the more heat will be generated. Second, the nano-lubricants in PlanetSafe OT that get bonded to the metal also help prevent wear and corrosion. Heat and chemical reactions can cause the buildup of gummy oil and even change the pH of the oil causing corrosion. Third, wear takes place quickly when lubricant is not present on start-up. The bonded nano-lubricants in OT are already present in the cylinders on start-up so there is no “cold start” wear that occurs. Most oils require time to circulate in the engine, get pumped to the upper parts and then begin to protect from wear. The nano-lubricants in OT do not drain away from the cylinder walls after the engine is shut down. Thus, no wear on a cold start.
Another Harley Davidson owner had a similar experience with PlanetSafe OT, Brit commented: At first I was a little apprehensive to add anything other than Harley Davidson lubricants to my new (at the time) 2012 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic FLSTC. But after adding a few custom items including a leather skirt on the crash bars which blocked some airflow across the engine, the engine temperatures were higher than normal in stop and go traffic. The increase in temperature also came with a noticeable increase in the usual bag of hammers sound the engine produces under load. After adding PlanetSafe OT to the engine oil, the engine ran around 5 degrees cooler in the same conditions and also ran quieter. My experience with this oil treatment has been extremely positive, for this reason I fully recommend this clean option!
If you are having engine pinging issues with your Harley Davidson, give PlanetSafe OT a try like other happy Harley customers.
Click here for more information on PlanetSafe OT Oil Treatment.
- Tags: automotive