AIM Weapons Grade CLP Videos

AIM Gun Grease and AIM CLP For Glocks with Bob Bailey
Bob Bailey is a Gunsmith who frequents gun shows and shoots. He provides support for Glock handguns. Since discovering AIM Grease and AIM CLP at Dugway Proving Grounds he hasn't used any other products. In Bob's words "I only want the best results for my customers. I am a big, big fan of these products."
AIM CLP Firearms Lubricant & Cleaner Applications
Gunsmith Gary Duckworth relates some of the reasons why he loves PlanetSafe AIM Weapons Grade CLP (formerly called Heat Shield) in his shop. One application that blew him away was applying it not just to his weapons or in choke honing but on his shotgun shell loader...
The Gun Range San Diego Switches to AIM Weapons Grade CLP
John talks with Joe at The Gun Range in San Diego about AIM gun lube and why they love it so much. Especially their armorer.
Rowdys Range St George Switches To AIM CLP
Colby tells us why Rowdy's Range likes using AIM to lubricate and protect their weapon inventory and why they recommend AIM to all of their customers. Like other ranges Rowdy's has discovered all gun lubes are not created equal. And have, like all ranges who have tested PlanetSafe AIM, adopted AIM as their go to lube for their own weapon maintenance as well as recommending it to customers. See if taking AIM is right for you.
World's Best Shotgun Choke Honing Lube | AIM Weapons Grade CLP
Having a perfect choke on your weapon ensures you will hit your target. least you can't blame the weapon. Gary Duckworth, owner of many collectible rifles, discovers AIM Weapons Grade CLP is not only the best gun lube but the best lube he has found for honing his chokes. It saves time! Find out why you should consider using AIM. Don't take chances...take AIM!